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New Glenn Tipton custom guitar!

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OK... I need to know, how much would something like this cost? Will they make more of them?

How about a run of Scarabs while they are at it!?!

Don't worry about it; if you're not K.K., you're not getting one!


P.S. Unless you're Bill Gates. Then you can buy Hamer from Fender and make them build whatever you want.


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OK... I need to know, how much would something like this cost? Will they make more of them?

How about a run of Scarabs while they are at it!?!

Are they making KK another guitar? The last one I heard about was the Cherry Red Vector from a year or so ago. The one they're making for Glen should be getting close to completion now.

I can say that it's a pretty safe bet that they won't be making Scarabs any time soon. The original run from the '80s still sell used for well under $1k, so it wouldn't be cost-effective for them to tool up for what would actually be a non-mover in the current marketplace. It's also not a direction I can see Jol & Co. going in right now when they are so backordered on their current models and developing things more in line with that direction.

They are all over the place on the used market if you're looking for one.

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Saw that one, but it looked a little different from what Jol had in his blog from last week (the beveled headstock dealie).

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Sorry about that, I did mean Glenn Tipton. So, how much does something like that cost?

Read my first post and substitute "Glenn Tipton" in for "K.K.". Not available to small fry such as ourselves at any cost.


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it seems the days of celeb model guitars are over.

and understandably... why would any celeb want some ding dong jumping around his bedroom or local stage with a guitar that he/she so painstakingly developed ?

personally I'd find it flattering but it seems lawyers as well as the artist egos they represent want/need the money more than the guitar makers themselves these days.

its been brought up countless times, but I fully understand jols reasoning for not revisiting the past unless theres a big chunk of change in it for hamer...

in the case of a scarab... I'd much rather spend long for a new scarab built my way [ crazy money considered] rather than suffer with the

candy red ,kahlered vintage turds that seem to be the norm.

small runs can make money and as well as please the core base....

apparently fender hasnt flexed its muscle just yet ,and should they do what they did to jackson/charvel you may very well see all kinds of reissue b.s. hamers.

who knows they may even bring paul hamer back for some nostalgic glad handing same as they did with pulling grover out of the where are they now file for some vastly overpriced reissues.

all things considered....I believe the virts have always generated enough interest to rehash that idea on a modern production level.

at 5-6k low side for an original it would seem theres money to be made by all...

just a hunch... but it would seem jol would prefer to keep many of his previous accomplishments separate from all recent owners of the hamer name ,and rightly so...

as much as this line has been a part of my childhood and adult years, [hell I still wear the damn t-shirts] and really dig the new guitars...

I simply grew tired of being nickel and dimed at a biblical clip for the smallest of changes made to otherwise production pieces.

when the upcharges are nearly double the base retail of a production guitar,

I really believe something is wrong.

we are cutting wood here, not building the international space station...

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I think you have to look at it as the cost of the time they would have to put into building it. If they have to spend twice as long doing all the upgrades to a guitar as they would spend on a stock guitar then I can certainly see why it would cost double. Look at all the hand crafting that went into Glen Tiptons new guitar in that blog, that took some serious time that could have been spent building a few standards or talledegas and I'm sure the cost would reflect that.

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I agree with the limited small batches to satisfy the core base, with Fender's backing, lets scale up the custom shop. :blink:

I also understand Hamer not wanting to revisit the past, but I finally can afford these wonderful guitars (Scarabs, boomers, Virts and double-necks!) !!!! I am not ready to go the modern vintage route... not just yet.

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